Welcome to Barneys Reef Wind Farm

A new wind farm project in Australia


February 2023

Early in 2023, RES project teams held several community information sessions to provide updated information about both the Tallawang Solar Farm and Barneys Reef Wind Farm, and to advise on next steps in the development process for both projects. 

Interested community members are invited to drop in to our information booths at the Dunedoo and Gulgong Agricultural Shows in early February. 

July 2022

In the second half of 2022, RES will be submitting a development application to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for the Tallawang Solar Farm. 

Socially responsible projects will be key to the success of the Central West Orana Renewable Energy Zone. We thank all who have provided feedback about the project and helped to shape a project which we hope will serve the community and support the future of the Central West.  

March 2022

Thank you to all who were able to attend our online and in-person information sessions held throughout February for the Barneys Reef Wind and Tallawang Solar Projects.  Valuable feedback gathered from these sessions from over one-hundred community members, combined with feedback received throughout 2021, will influence the final design of our projects and shape the way we plan to deliver benefits locally, meaningfully and fairly through our renewable projects. 

Click here to watch a recording of our online information session, held 23 February. 

February 2022

RES project teams are excited to be attending the Gulgong and Dunedoo Agricultural Shows in February to provide updates about the proposed Barneys Reef Wind Farm and Tallawang Solar Farm. 

Technical and social assessments have taken place throughout 2021, and this year RES will be making submitting an EIS for both projects. 

Local feedback has been a crucial part of the design of both projects, and ongoing engagement is sought to ensure that the projects capture and consider a range of views, values and perspectives within the community - now and into the future. 

October 2021

Nominations are open for the appointment of community members to the Barneys Reef Wind Farm Community Consultative Committee

The Barneys Reef Wind Farm Community Consultative Committee will provide a forum for open dialogue between RES, representatives of the local community, stakeholder groups, and local councils on issues directly relating to the proposed project.

Want to contribute to your community?

We are looking for a mix of people who live locally or are members of a stakeholder group (community, environment, Aboriginal or industry) to participate in the committee.

Your role as a committee member is voluntary. For further information on Community Consultative Committees, please visit the NSW Government Planning Website.

To apply, download a Stakeholder or Community nomination form. 

Applications must be lodged by Monday November 8 and sent to the independent chairperson of the committee.

Independent Chairperson: Garry West

P: 0418 215 059 E: garry.west@gbwconsulting.com.au

September 2021

Online community information sessions were held on Thursday 9 and Friday 10 September 2021. Key project team members were in attendance to present both projects and answer questions. RES would like to thank all the members of the community who attended.

Both projects are subject to an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Social Impact Assessment (SIA) as part of the NSW planning policy for state significant developments, which are currently being prepared. We are seeking your feedback and participation into this process over the coming months.  

The Project Presentation shared at each session as well as a summary of the sessions, including the questions and answers raised are available.  

August 2021

The second Tallawang Solar Farm and Barneys Reef Wind Farm information sheet has been released. Further information on layout, boundaries and more is available in the information sheet. 

Both projects have now completed the scoping phase, with each project lodging a Scoping Report and application for SEARs to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) in July 2021. Please click the image below to download the information sheet.

March 2021

The first Tallawang Solar Farm and Barneys Reef Wind Farm information sheet has been released. It includes information about RES and the two projects. Please click the image below to download the information sheet.

RES is currently assessing the feasibility of both Tallawang Solar Farm and Barneys Reef Wind Farm, and is undertaking some preliminary environmental studies. As part of this, RES is seeking feedback on the Projects from key stakeholders and local community members. Please get in contact if you would like to receive further information on both or either of the projects and/or would like to make a time to meet with members of the respective project teams.