Welcome to Barneys Reef Wind Farm
A new wind farm project in Australia
What assessments will be required?
As part of this process, RES has appointed Umwelt Environmental and Social Consultants to commence a number of social and environmental studies to inform the scoping phase of each project. These studies will continue throughout 2023 and will include the following assessments:
- Noise
- Visual
- Biodiversity
- Heritage
- Water
- Traffic
- Social
- Soils
- Land Use
- Hazard and Risk
- Cumulative impacts
- Technology specific studies
The feasibility and detailed design of the Project will be determined and shaped by the outcomes of these studies to ensure that impacts are identified and appropriately mitigated, and that the benefits of the Project are shared meaningfully with the local community.
It is anticipated that, should the Project move to the next phase of the planning process, the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Barneys Reef Wind Farm would be lodged in late 2023.
A comprehensive community engagement program has been developed for the Project in accordance with the NSW DPIE’s new draft SIA guideline (2020). This program provides opportunities for those with an interest in the project to present their views, and will assist RES in obtaining an understanding of local community values, needs, aspirations and impacts associated with the Projects.
How can I be involved?
We are currently seeking feedback from project neighbours, relevant local and state government agencies, local businesses, service providers, community groups and interested community members to better understand local views and perspectives.
As technical assessments for the Project continues, community members will be able to view the outcomes of the assessment studies and have further input to planning and development as the Projects progress.
We value your input, so if you would like to receive further information on both or either of the projects, or if you would like to organise a time to meet with members of the respective project teams, please get in contact with the details on the Contact Us page.